Francesco Cavatorta is a Professor in the Department of Political Science at the Université Laval in Quebec, Canada. Since the outbreak of the Arab uprisings Professor Cavatorta has been part of numerous collaborative research projects attempting to explain the causes and consequences of the revolts. He has two decades of fieldwork experience in the Arab world and his work has been published in leading political science journals.
Focus areas:
Democratization and authoritarianism in the Arab world / Dynamics of civil society / Political parties and Islamist movements / International relations of the Arab world / Political science.
Selected Publications
(with Andrea Teti and Pamela Abbott) ‘Do Arabs really want democracy? Evidence from four countries’, forthcoming Democratization, 2019.
(with Eva Wegner) ‘Revisiting the Islamist-Secular divide: Parties and Voters in the Arab World’, International Political Science Review, forthcoming 2018. Available on-line first at:
(with Federica Zardo) ‘Friends will be friends? External-domestic interactions in EU-Tunisia and EU-Morocco security cooperation after the uprisings’, International Politics, 2018. Available on-line first:
‘Domestic and international dynamics before and after the Arab uprisings – Review Article’, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2017, pp. 421-429.
(with Raquel Ojeda) ‘Islamism in Mauritania and the narrative of political moderation’, Journal of Modern Africa Studies, Vol. 55, no. 2, 2017, pp. 301-325.
‘Morocco: the promise of democracy and reality of authoritarianism’, International Spectator, Vol. 51, No. 1, 2016, pp. 86-98.
‘Salafism, liberalism and democratic learning in Tunisia’, Journal of North African Studies, Vol. 20, No. 5, 2015, pp. 770-783.
Professor Francesco Cavatorta’s page at Université Laval